Animesh's Math: Mathematical formulas
In higher algebra what we know about binomial theorem, in lower classes, we teach this as the result of special product. It forced the student to memorize it without knowing what is actually what. Due to this two problems arises first in present state students has no proper idea that why they memorize these formulas secondly, the science aspirant students when get binomial theorem they think that it’s a complete new thing so they again memorize it without knowing what is actually what. We don’t teach binomial theorem in this state that in these state students has no idea about permutation and combination so they can’t grasp it. But there is a palatable form to teach them binomial theorem in early state also. This I try to describe bellow: First of all we should discuss that why we have so importance about a + b & a – b? Because these represent the sum and difference of two unknown quantities. And algebra is a mathematical science where a rule of Arithmetic is become generalize...