Is itn't revival of fudal authorities!!

Last few days the walking workers proves that Rabindranath correctly said about this civilization practically negating it, by saying "যদি পাইরে হতে কভু ব্রজের গোপো বালক তবে নিজের হাতে নিভিয়ে দেব এই সুসভ্যতার আলোক" [if I can be a Shepherd, then I have deny to live this civilisation!] So this post, as it's has a phylosophycal aspect so it's so long!
Why we become so?! We just taking and telling and educating our child throug as if a joke, "Comparing Vagat-Ashfak- khudiram" or "Netaj-Matamgini" like people were fools and what it's result? "These" as these days treated as "Giving" what's our status in this in world ranking and why?! The concern people thinking so: #Vaishali Nigam Sinha, Chief Sustainability Officer at Renew Power, started charity a few years ago to promote giving. Her experience has been less than happy. Indians, she finds, have refrained from planned giving for broader societal transformation. “#Giving is individualistic and not driven via networks, which can be quite effective as we have seen in other parts of the world like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. And in India, #giving is usually done to get something back –  to #god for prosperity, to #religious affiliations  for advocacy of the platforms, and to #government for business returns. Wealthy Indians need to learn to #give in a planned way for greater social impact and transformation,” she says.
And that's why there is little surprise then that India was ranked 124 in 1st edition World Giving Index; and in 2018 — placed 82 in the 10th edition of the index compiled by Charities Aid Foundation looking at the data for 128 countries over the 10-year period, since 2008.
#But it’s not about #celebrities or #wealthy Indians alone. We are all in it together. #SpecialPlanes are sentto bring back Indians stuck  abroad due to the pandemic, but  #MigratingLabourers and daily wage workers are left to walk  hundreds of kilometres to reach their villages(??!). #Doctors treating coronavirus patients will be #applauded but not allowed to #enter their homes(!?).

#InThisRegard, JNU sociologist Maitrayee Chaudhuri calls it a potent mix of selfishness, self care and entitlement. ”We have a complete disregard for people on the margins and on whose labour we sit. It is all about us and our safety,” she says. #This communal selfishness is very different from the churning in the 19th and early 20th century,  which led to enormous social reform movements. #ThisDays slow and meticulous destruction of ‘secularism’, ‘socialism’ and ‘liberalism’ has help to evolve with this rise of neoliberal ‘individual self centredness’. “#Not to talk about smartphone dumbness,” she adds. #There is an absence of empathy everywhere, filled instead with the noise of thalis being banged and bells being rung to show symbolic gratitude to those who serve us.
Actually going through those above said narrations, it's bring the narrations described in his work "imperialism is the highest stage of capitalism" (IHC) or on why European unity is impossible actually what pekkety telling us today as emerganse of Dynasty like few families (or in specific "patrimonial capitalism")  , by giving well description in his work, IHC, Lenin shows us in its development how  industrial monopoly becomes absolute monopoly in each and every fields of production and when this industrial capital comes to in partial association (it's the term if it's was written by Marx!) alongwith the bank capital, that's when the emergence of finance capital happen and in it's course of development (As Marx said in his works this development isn't an "equation rather movement") they competes themselves and winner becomes financial Monarchs (As Lenin describe)! And after this the emergence of family dinasty and in course of time there are obviously a section of society emerge who are selected by this financial Monarchs or the dynasty likes family as Pekkety saif(?!) And absolutely they acts not as the liberals rather "different from the churning in the 19th and early 20th century"(time period rightly marked by JNU sociologist Maitrayee Chaudhuri), then how they behave actually they behaves like the Aristocrats since mediaeval times to at best early part of eighteenth century! 
That's why Lenin marked this stage as highest stage of imperialism in his work IHC he never said it's the end of capitalism and clearly shows that revival of feudal monarchy has emerge with the musk of capitalism and alongwith a musk of so-called free market, which was impossible to exist at that juncture as Lenin concludes! But social development isn't a linear equation it's actually multy dimensional movement. So what's happened actualy where Lenin end actualy Marx's analysis comes into motion.
England was the unquestioned world Production Centre (WPC) of world capitalism but from the last decade of 19th. Century this position was challenged by USA, Germany, and Japan afterwards (as Comrade Lenin Describe in his works ‘ Imperialism- The highest state of capitalism) and this very competition came in the face of working class resistance in Russia ( as Comrade Marx describe the movement in his works ‘Poverty of Philosophy )(i.e. when monopolist restrict their competition by partial association the unity within the workers suffers and when worker of a country unitedly fight against the capitalists their the contradictions among the monopolist of various country burst into war) , it burst into WW-I and why it's stops for the time being?! As the partial association of capitalist in Marx's version turns into partial association of fewer  financial monarch in Lenin's version able to forced into being Treaty of Brest-Litovsk in 1918 and thus restrict their mutual competition for the time being. Through the cause of WWI
Wasn't cling drsicively that is the leaders of that time of capitalism US & Germany doesn't clings their contradictions decisively as #US practically #absentee their!
#That's why emergence of China worker movement and USSR's capitalistic development alongwith emerge of the true Nature of financial Monarchy as Nazi Germany [ is also known as the Third Reich (Drittes Reich), meaning "Third Realm" or "Third Empire", the first two being the Holy Roman Empire (800–1806) and the German Empire (1871–1918).(Remember, Hitler's frequent denounced international capitalism and communism as part of a Jewish conspiracy. But he never denounced Germany's Monopoly??!!)
#In this juncture,  US practically absentee, in first parts, actually US government at the advise of Financial Monarchs of USA, (practically Then US was the destination of World  Financial Monarchy) at the beginning of WWII, they kept themselves aside and search for a weapon to create the "#Keynes" described peace world over. They got the atom bomb and drops it on Japan completely against the motion of the war and create the desired #peaceofgreaveyards world over. (Not only that when #USSR starts their #atomic program alongwith the so-called #competitive Star war and #MolotovPlan,  virtually it makes the basis of the emergence of labour autocracy and in its turn these force became the basis of revival of capitalism in USSR and thus help the partial international association of Financial Monarchs to break the #socialist resistance to world capitalism from within, in USSR)!!
In the begining China also think they are taking help in technological level and encircled them within the boundary of SEZ, but it's no more technology only or mechinary it's becomes then the "most intelectualy concentrates labour force" so in it's own capibilities it's reaches teanman square in 1989! Demand of democracy crushed by labour aristocracy (here also you got feudalism in new historical form!) So there are Revival of feudalistic Society it's not a new invention as pecketty poses but it's not the feudalistic Society of mediaeval times (as linear and simple Pekkety thinks it is) but this feudalistic Society has its won new historical charecters! On one hand when democratic aspirations of masses faced labour aristocracy or social imperialist as termed by International Comunist Movemt (ICM), on the othe hand as #SitaramYechury In Marxist (XXIX 4, Oct.-Dec2013) in his Essay correctly writes, ‘Capitalism, its Limits and Socialism as alternative’ he told,  “The current phase of globalization unfolding when the political correlation of class forces internationally has sifted in its favour, permits imperialism to pursue its quest for profit maximization relatively unhindered, such pursuit has resulted in colossal levels of capital accumulation leading to the further consolidation of International Finance Capital (IFC)…….. IFC operates not in the pursuit of specific strategic interests of specific nation-states alone …… IFC operates in a world not driven by intense inter-imperialist rivalry. It operates in a world where such rivalry, at least temporally, is sought to be muted   ……” [ #But one aspects of it desperately missed that it's  still maintain and govern the nation-state, as it's require to them to continues the faces of capitalism and so-called free market and it's become so simple to govern this way through yearly meeting in DAVOSE and advised on from there!! If one fallow the Davos's deliberation then they can easily find that what's changes took places accordingly by all the government all over the #world]
#And as they becomes so confident that they have any problems in taking who ever the head of the state and whatever their thinking may be! They just doesn't bother!! As they thinks the entire R&D has into their pockets!!
If a new innovator like Bill gates emerges he/she become the part of the IFC,
#So the struggle against this Revived feudalistic finance capital or Corporate Absoluty there will be new form and in demands of trueth forms of democracy?!  The demand should have of TODAY'S ICM!!


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