যIndia Nehru’s Word: A tale of two mosques “I was thinking how backward we are in this country, that we are prepared to sacrifice our lives for such trivial matters (like religious disputes) and are ready to endure slavery and hunger.” By Mridula Mukherjee Published: 17 Oct 2021, 9:00 AM IST Pt Jawaharlal Nehru, India's first prime minister These past few days, the country has been outraged by the brazen attempts of vested interests to whitewash the barbaric mowing down of protesting farmers. Eighty-four years ago, Jawaharlal Nehru, warning people against the dangers inherent in allowing religion into the political domain, wrote a fascinating article, while serving one of his numerous jail terms in Almora, of which we bring you the first part this week. Clearly disturbed by reports of the dispute between Sikhs and Muslims over the Shahidganj Gurdwara/Mosque in Lahore, he recounts the 1,400-year-old history of the Hagia Sophia Church/Mosque in Istanbul, which Mus...